
Live2D artwork/rigging and illustration
commissions are currently opened!

Illustration Commission Info

  • Chibi - 50 USD

  • Bust up with simple background - 135 USD

  • Full body with simple background - 185 USD

Live2D Commission Info

For rigging only, please have your character's PSD file ready. Any extra work such as cutting and touching up of the model will be chargeable.For Live2D model art commission, please provide a sample of your desired character's references, description and design.Models are tested in VTubeStudio with an iPhone 11.No Mecha/Furry models.Feel free to DM me on Twitter if you have any other questions.

Live2D Rigging Pricing

Base Pricing
Half Body - 400 USD
Full Body - 600 USD
Base price includes the following:

  • Head/Body XYZ

  • Neck Z

  • Mouth AIUEO

  • Blinking (with Eyelash/Eyeball physics)

  • Hair/Clothes physics

  • 2 Basic expressions (angry, sad)

  • Breathing

Live2D Model Pricing

Base Pricing
Half Body - 400 USD
Full Body - 600 USD
Base price includes the following:

  • Rig ready model

  • 2 expressions

  • Hair, mouth and clothing separated to be rig ready

Live2D Samples


Agreement as of (Agreed Date) between (Client’s Name), hereinafter referred to as the Client, and (Eclair), hereinafter referred to as the Artist. Whereas, the Artist is a professional in good standing; Whereas, the client wishes the Artist to create certain Artwork described more fully herein; and Whereas, the Artist wishes to create such Artwork; In consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth and other valuable considerations, the parties agree as follows:GENERAL
The Artist agrees to create Artwork(s) (hereinafter referred to as the Work) in accordance with the following specifications:
Job Type: (Illustration, Live2D Ready Illustration, Live2D Rigging, Character Design, etc.)
Specifications: (Size, Format, Resolution, required date)
The Artist will not do: NSFW, Furry, Mecha, Elderly, Offensive and Discriminatory themes relating to sex, race or religion, violence and gore.For VTuber Live2D Art commissions, the Artist is only accepting female-presenting characters at the moment.PAYMENTS
All payments for artwork requested on Vgen is to be paid via Vgen.
The Artist shall be given the first opportunity to make any revisions of the Work requested by the Client. However, the Client has the right to alter the Work in order to suit the proportions of the reproductions. The Artist grants the Client 3 opportunities to provide feedback and revisions. The Artist agrees to make these revisions to the best of their ability. Further revisions after 3 rounds will add a fee of $A (representing 15% of the full amount $X). Per extra round of revisions as a separate Revision Fee.
The delivery date of the first round of work (thumbnails, sketches) will be discussed in the discussion phase based on complexity. The Client will return feedback to the artist in a timely manner and the next round of work will be due in a timely manner after receipt of feedback. This will continue until the Client has approved the Work, or the number of revisions detailed in REVISIONS are completed.
There will not be a Rush Fee available.USE
1. The Client is not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of the commissioned artwork for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), any AI-related work or any cryptocurrency related advertising or profit.
2. The Client is not to use the art in any derogatory content.3. All prices include commercial rights.4. The Client agrees to credit the Artist with the following “(Illustration © your name, Design by Eclair, etc.)” on the final Project. If the final product is print, the Client agrees to print the credit on the product. If the final product is digital, the Client agrees to publish the credit and include a link to (Artist website) when possible. The Client will make every effort to include the credit when the Artwork is used in promotion of the Project.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS
1. The Client will give credit to the Artist in close proximity to where the commissioned work appears. The Client must properly identify the Artist as the creator of the work by including their name and any social media handle, and must not mislead others to think that the work has been created by anyone other than the Artist.
2. The Artist reserves the right to use commissioned artwork on their portfolio. (Confidentiality in the case of a secret debut/celebration will be kept and needs to be informed to the Artist during the discussion phase)3. The Artist agrees to a perpetual non-exclusive license of commercial rights (including but not limited to the right to display, transmit, modify, transfer, or create derivative works) to the Client, excluding the rights to authorship credit and selling the commission product, which will be retained by the Artist.REFUNDS
The Client may terminate the commission at any time with written notice subject to payment representing 50% of the full amount $X after payment is made.
The Artist will remain in communication with The Client until the commission is completed. The Artist will need to contact the Client within a reasonable interval maximum of 4 weeks.

Payment will be through PayPal Invoices unless special payment terms are discussed beforehand.